She shows me her array – all handwoven. earlier in Winter – danced in it – she puts it on – i help her – with lacing the ribbons – holding the shawl – she talks about love – the bed is still made up feer him too – she is crying – i`ll understand it later. im still young
(” OPENINGS” photografie and lyrics)
“Eenie meenie moe – and out you go” 2018 – 19
According to the German government, every second bird native to the agricultural landscape has disappeared across the EU since 1980, or 300 million animals. In Germany, the mass of flying insects such as bumblebees, bees and moths fell by an average of 76 percent over the last 30 years. 30 percent of all arable wild herbs are on the red list of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation.
During a one-year seminar at the Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie in Berlin under the direction of Sybille Fendt, I worked with other photographers on the subject of “Europe”-the various questions and perspectives on the European condition and everyday life-and discussed and further developed photographic positions. “Ene mene muh – und raus bist Du” is the title of my work on this. Landscapes in their change, also as a result of European agricultural and environmental policy.